Nosebleeds and blood pressure

There is no reason to cause nosebleeds, and mostly its cause remains unknown. We are currently witnessing a variety of reasons that cause nosebleeds. And then we need to find the relation between blood pressure and nose bleeds.

Why a nosebleed?

• Trauma (nose): This can happen because the nose-blowing collection, foreign bodies, excessive nose, and even in the case of a slap in the face.
 • Irritation: This may be due to an allergy to a certain thing, or perhaps because of the use of drugs such as cocaine.
 • hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: This is an autosomal dominant disorder that weakens the capillaries and causes bleeding. Recurrent epistaxis is a common feature of this.
 • Diseases of the nasal septum: This is the only front less common causes of nosebleeds, Wegener's granulomatosis, midline destructive disease, including tuberculosis and syphilis.
 • Hypertension: High blood pressure is also being tested as a cause nosebleeds.
 • Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to nosebleeds.
 • Lack of vitamin C or K: It is also considered one of the causes of nosebleeds
 • Tumors: In the case where the operation took place in the head, brain or nosebleeds may occur due to injury.

It should be noted that the presence of nose frequently in winter. It also considered that the nosebleeds in children 2-10 years and adults between 50 and 80 years, is more common.

Types of nosebleeds

There are two types of bleeding Epistaxis1.Anterior
 This is the most common type of nosebleed. This is done at the front, which is two thirds of the nose, and it can be seen on the walls. Such bleeding can often pinching the cartilage of the nose, or cold water on the head, and put the patient's head on the pillow, keeping the head down to be solved. Most nosebleeds occur in the Kiesselbach plexus, which is the front of the nasal septum, and also has a rich blood supply.
 Departures 2.Posterior
 At the rear of nose bleeding, the blood coming from the back of the neck, so that through the nose. The bleeding is excessive in this case because there was a larger study in the palatine artery, behind the center of the shell. Back bleeding requires immediate treatment and hospitalization. It is a fact that only 10% of the bill back bleeding nosebleeds.
 Nosebleeds and connections of the blood pressure

Can lead to the epitaxial growth of high blood pressure? Yes, hypertension is known as one of the causes of the epitaxy. However, it has always been part of scientific and statistical differences. Many studies argue that hypertension is one of the reasons for nosebleeds, while there are many studies that have denied their relationship. Understand the importance of nosebleed hypertension is very important because blood pressure is very common among people that the nosebleed. Posterior nosebleeds usually occurs in patients with fragile blood vessels in various diseases, and he needs urgent medical attention.

Hypertension is most common among the ancients. Doctors also believe that older patients usually come for serious nosebleeds. We assume that a person's age and severity of nosebleeds are directly related to each other in a normal situation. Reason for that may result from the fact that as we get old, their blood vessels and arteries lose their elasticity are derived. Hypertension damages arteries scars. This is the contract extension and retraction of the arteries leading to the back of his nose bleed. This is not the only reason the posterior nasal bleeding occurs. There are other reasons for posterior nosebleeds are as described above. This is a general feeling that most patients are treated at home if he has a recurring character.

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